Certified Human Resource Generalist - (CHRG)- 12th Batch

Certified Human Resource Generalist - (CHRG)- 12th Batch

Certified Human Resource Generalist – CHRG is an Intermediate level globally recognized Certification program of Highly Keen that links the theory of HR with the practical HR practices of different sectors

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Certified Human Resource Generalist – CHRG is an Intermediate level globally recognized Certification program of Highly Keen that links the theory of HR with the practical HR practices of different sectors. This certification is helpful and suitable for young HR Professionals/ fresher’s to uplift or to get their job as HR Generalist / HR Business Partner / HR Operations. After successful completion of evaluation and examination, you will be getting Internationally Accredited and Globally Recognized Certification from Cambridge Academy of Professionals - UK. These HR Certifications are developed according to defined international standards and based on the country specific requirement. This certification will cover from very entry level HR function to mid level HR function/ role in different sectors/ industries.


After successful completion of the program, participants will be able to:

1. Acquire essential knowledge and skills about HR Functions

2. Accomplish core HR function confidently

3. Maintain good interpersonal relationship for organizational excellence

4. Execute proper documentation and compliance issues

5. Manage all the functions for employee life cycle management

       ✅  M-1: HR Planning & Budgeting

       ✅  M-2: Talent Acquisition & Onboarding

       ✅  M-3: Competency Mapping

       ✅  M-4: Learning & Development

       ✅  M-5: KPI-based Performance Management System

       ✅  M-6: Total Reward Management

       ✅  M-7: Employee Separation & Final Settlement

       ✅  M-8: Succession Management

       ✅  M-9: Labor Law & Rules

       ✅  M-10: Dimensions of HR Business Partner 2.0

       ✅  M-11: Essential HR Metrics

       ✅  M-12: HR Dashboarding through Excel

M-1: HR Planning & Budgeting

M-2: Talent Acquisition & Onboarding

M-3: Competency Mapping

M-4: Learning & Development; M-8: Succession Management

M-5: KPI based Performance Management System

M-6: Total Reward Management & Employee Tax Calculation; M-7: Employee Separation & Final Settlement (International)

M-6: Total Reward Management & Employee Tax Calculation; M-7: Employee Separation & Final Settlement (Local)

M-9: Labor Law & Rules (for Bangladeshi Participants)

M-9: Labor Law & Rules (for International Participants)

M-10: Dimensions of HR Business Partner 2.0

M-11: Essential HR Metrics

M-12: HR Dashboarding through Excel

"The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.“

“WARD is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.”

Total Duration: 04 Months

Total Qualification

Time: Workshop / Direct Learning Time: 20 hours

Activity/Assignment-based Learning Time: 20 hours

Business Competency

• Process Management

• Business Management

• Competitor Management

Enrollment Closes 22/Mar/2024 GMT
Live Chat Enabled
Regular Fee $ 560.00
Special Fee $ 395.00

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