Competency Mapping: Tools and Techniques

Competency Mapping: Tools and Techniques

Competencies are the skills, behaviors and performance standards that turn the “what” of an expectation into the “how.” Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes

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Introduction: Competencies are the skills, behaviors and performance standards that turn the “what” of an expectation into the “how.” Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes.


The objectives of competency mapping are to help an employee become more efficient, effective and competitive. It starts with a set of high-level core competency standards such as innovation, creativity, technical expertise, quality and a customer-oriented focus, all of which reflect the achievement of strategic business goals. Through the process of competency mapping these goals become employee performance benchmarks. Managers use these benchmarks to increase the productivity and performance of employees and the efficiency, effectiveness and competitive nature of the business as a whole.


Outcome of the Program: After successful completion of the program, the participants will

  • Be able to understand Competence, Competency and Competency Framework
  • be able to identify Competencies required for a position
  • be able to develop competency for any position

Major areas to be covered:


Module-1: Insight Thought of Competency

  • Concepts of Competence & Competency
  • 5 types of competency characteristics
  • Iceberg Model of Competency
  • Central & Surface Competency
  • Benefits of using Competency model


Modue-2: Competency Mapping: Model, Tools & Technique

  • Competency Pyramid Model
  • Sources of Competency Information
  • Competency Mapping: Steps & Tools


Modue-3: Competency Models for HR

  • SHRM Competency Model for HR Professional
  • Competency Model for Senior Level HR Professionals
  • Competency Model for Mid Level HR Professionals
  • Competency Model for Junior Level HR Professionals

OT-Competency Mapping Tools & Techniques-M-0-Intro

OT-Competency Mapping Tools & Techniques-M-1

OT-Competency Mapping Tools & Techniques-M-2

OT-Competency Mapping Tools & Techniques-M-3

Exercise & Assignment:

Activity-1: Types of Competency Character

Activity-2: Data Source for Competency Mapping for Sales Manager

Activity-3: Competency Mapping for Head of Sales

Actvity-4: Ranking of Behavioral Competency of SHRM

Activity-5: Develop Competency for HR Professional [Senior, Mid & Junior Level]

Enrollment Closes 31/May/2025 GMT
Length 1 week
Effort 10 hours
Live Chat Enabled
Regular Fee $ 40.00
Special Fee $ 20.00

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