Methods of Recruitment and Selection

Methods of Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment & Selection are very vital activity for HR Professional. This is an important issue for any organization for business growth and continuity. Hiring the RIGHT FIT is extremely important as well as challengeable for any HR Professionals

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Introduction: Recruitment & Selection are very vital activity for HR Professional. This is an important issue for any organization for business growth and continuity. Hiring the RIGHT FIT is extremely important as well as challengeable for any HR Professionals.


For hiring the RIGHT FIT every HR professionals MUST use the RIGHT Method as well as Perfect Method for Talent Acquisition Purpose. Some times we are using RIGHT Method without any validation of that method/ tools. This program will assist R Professional to learn about the RIGHT and Perfect Methods for Recruitment and Selection for ensuring RIGHT FIT for the organization.



Objective of the Program: After successful completion of the program, the participants will

  • Be able to identify the RIGHT method for Recruitment Purpose
  • Be able to identify the RIGHT method for Selection Purpose
  • Be able to ensure RIGHT FIT for the company
  • Be able to validate the methods

Major areas to be covered:


Module-1: Insight Thought of Talent Acquisition

  • The Hiring Process
  • Tasks in Recruitment & Selection


Modue-2: Recruitment: Concept & Methods

  • Main functions of Recruitment
  • Recruitment Goals
  • Sources of Recruitment
  • Methods of Recruitment
  • Factors for Selecting Recruitment Methods


Modue-3: Selection: Concept & Methods

  • Selection: What & Why
  • Basic Selection Criteria
  • Validity & Reliability of Selection Tests
  • Selection Methods
  • Choice of Selection Methods

OT-Method of Recruitment & Selection-M-1

OT-Method of Recruitment & Selection-M-2

OT-Method of Recruitment & Selection-M-3

Enrollment Closes 31/Dec/2024 GMT
Length 1 week
Effort 7 hours
Live Chat Enabled
Regular Fee $ 30.00
Special Fee $ 15.00

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