Certified HR Business Partner 2.0 [cHRBP]- 12th Batch

Certified HR Business Partner 2.0 [cHRBP]- 12th Batch

As practice informs theory, the concept of Business Partnering has continued to evolve and become a dominant way of thinking about how HR can provide value-adding solutions to meet real business needs.

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Introduction About Program:

As practice informs theory, the concept of Business Partnering has continued to evolve and become a dominant way of thinking about how HR can provide value-adding solutions to meet real business needs. The concept of Business Partnering has been one of the most problematic in terms of its implementation since Dave Ulrich first introduced and popularized the approach in the 1990s. The ‘Ulrich model’ has been widely adopted as an approach for structuring the HR function, especially in large organizations.

According to this, Business Partners, a small corporate Centre, centers of excellence or expertise and shared services, in-house or outsourced, are the principal delivery channels for functional excellence. Business Partnering as an approach underpins the original Ulrich functional roles model.

Business Partnering is both a mindset and a skill set – especially the ability to build and maintain effective value-adding business relationships. In a very real sense they are helping to move the field of Business Partnering forward by describing not just the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of Business Partnering but also the ‘how’.

This certification program will be an invaluable source of guidance to HR and other professionals who are seeking to become truly effective Business Partners. This will help the participants to grasp intensely practical slant on how to carry out this multi-faceted role effectively

After Successful completion of the program delegates will be able to:

  1. Explain the difference between general HR and HR Business Partner
  2. Learn basic about Financial Ratios for HR/ Business performance analysis
  3. Align HR Strategy with Business Strategy
  4. Deal & execute HR Functions considering the business requirement
  5. Identify different functional areas of HR to increase Value Proposition toward Business
  6. Create a business alliance HR scorecard/ Metrics
  7. Create employee metrics, benchmarking and trend analysis for different functions
  8. Identify the vital areas where the HRBP can add value
  9. Amplify the effectiveness of training & development
  10. Effectively accelerate team performance and results by developing a solution-oriented approach
  11. Collaborate in making strategic decisions to strengthen the relationship between financial acumen and outcomes


  • Module-1: HR Business Partnering: Concept & Practice
  • Module-2: Dimensions For HRBP 2.0
  • Module-3: HR BP capabilities and mindset
  • Module-4: Business Acumen & Business Strategy
  • Module-5: Financial Intelligence for HRBP
  • Module-6: Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Module-7: Strategic Workforce Planning
  • Module-8: HR Analytics for Business Decisions
  • Module-9: Succession Management for Business Continuity
  • Module-10: HRBP as Internal Consultant

Pre-Course Assignment


“WARD is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.”


“The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®)  criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.”

“This program is valid for 20 recertification points for APTD & CPTD of Association for Talent Development USA     

Duration: 4 Months
Class: 10 Sessions
Class schedule: Friday 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM GMT
Short Video Material: Will Provided
Mode of Learning: Virtual Class (Via Zoom)

Exam Method:

  • Case Based Quiz
    • Total Quiz: 10
    • Mark for Each Quiz: 20
    • 70% Passing Mark
  • Number of Online Final Exams: 01
    • Number of  MCQ Questions: 50
    • Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
    • Total Marks: 100
    • Pass Mark: 70%


  • Total Assignments: 02
  • 01 Pre-Course Assignment (Learning Purpose)
  • 01 Capstone Projects
    • Each Assignment Marks: 300
    • Pass Mark: 70%

'One of the best Program in HR Business Partnering. I have learnt about Business, Finance and its connection with HR' - Head of HR, MNC, Nigeria

'This is a comprehensive applocation focused course on HRBP. Perfectly covered all the dimensions of HRBP' - HRBP-Manufacturing Concern, Bangladesh

Enrollment Closes 07/Mar/2025 GMT
Live Chat Enabled
Regular Fee $ 560.00
Special Fee $ 395.00

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