Professional Certificate in Bangladesh Labor Law [PcBLL] - 14th Batch

Professional Certificate in Bangladesh Labor Law [PcBLL] - 14th Batch

Bangladesh Labor Law is one of the most important business document to be followed for any organization operating in Bangladesh. The HR Community must know all the rules, regulations, instructions described in Labor Law & Rules for ensuring Compliance. PcBLL assures this skill set for Professionals

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Introduction: Labor Law is very important and must complying document for any country.
Without knowing the proper clause of Labor Law, no employment contract can be governed.
Knowledge and practice of Labor Law is an essential competency of HR Professionals and also it
is required by the function heads/ team members and top management.
Considering the importance of Labor Law in any organization, WARD has launched a
comprehensive course on Bangladesh labor Law: “Professional Certificate in Bangladesh labor
Law”. The course has been designed with a wide coverage of all parts of Bangladesh labor Law
and its all amendments as well as Labor Rules. In addition there will be different case reference,
practical knowledge sharing for better understanding nd practice of Law.

Trainer/Speaker: Mr. Adv. Jafrul Hasan Sharif
Advocate & Chairman, Attorneys
(A Legal and Management Consulting Firm)
[Member of the Drafting Committee of Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015]
Labor and Employment Law Expert

Objective: After successful completion of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Labor law 2006 and Labor (amendment) Act, 2013 properly from the practical experiences.
  • Understand the new changes in Labor (amendment) Act, 2013
  • Understand all rules, regulations and discussion in the latest gazette of Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015
  • Draft the show cause letter, charge sheet, investigation, dismissal letter and able to understand the common mistakes, lacunas of the process in line with Labor Act and its amendments;
  • Handle and resolve industrial dispute in accordance to the Labor Act.
  • Handle CBA/ Trade union/ Participation Committee as per Law
  • Understand all requirements regarding Health, Safety and environmental issues in workplace
  • Maintain and ensure Social compliance as per Labor Law & rules

Major areas to be covered:


Module-1: Introduction of Bangladesh Labor Rules

Module-2: Worker, Working hour and its management

Module-3: Separation and Disciplinary Procedure

Module-4: Health, Safety and Welfare

Module-5: Leave, Maternity Leave and Maternity Benefit Management

Module-6: Administration of Wage, PF, Gratuity, Profit Participation

Module-7: Trade Union, CBA, Participation Committee

Module-8: Forms, Formats and control of Government

Module-9: New Amendments 2022

Half Metarial

Full Material

➡ Features:

☑ Duration: 3 Months

☑ Flexible Payment Plan

☑ Class: 8 sessions

☑ Class schedule: Friday [7.30-10 pm BD time]

☑ Virtual Class

☑ Online Exam

'This is one of the best course in Labor Law. All HR professionals must do this clourse' Head of HR, MNC, Bangladesh

Jafrul Hasn is one of the best in terms of Labor Law teaching. Highly recomending this course. Manager-ER, Group of Companies

Enrollment Closes 01/Mar/2024 GMT
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Regular Fee Free
Special Fee $ 105.00

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