Methods for KPI Designing

Methods for KPI Designing

Key Performance Indicator based Performance Management is one of the best approach for Performance Management now a days. This workshop will ensure the skill set for delegates to understand and apply proper method for KPI designing

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Introduction: Performance Management is one of the vital area for organization. The major objective for Performance Management is to ensure Business Performance through Employee performance. There are different methods/ approaches for Performance Management. Key Performance Indicator based Performance Management is one of the best approach for Performance Management now a days.


Majority organization across the globe are doing KPI based PMS. For setting KPI there are different methods. To set the right method and also to set KPI by using the method perfectly can assure the impact of PMS on business. This course will ensure the learning of Methods for KPI designing which can lead perfect setting of KPI for organization.




Objective of the Program: After successful completion of the program, the participants will

  • Be able to understand essential areas of Performance Management
  • Be able to understand basic about KPI
  • Be able to understand methods of KPI
  • Be able to design KPI based on different methods

Major areas to be covered:


Module-1: Basic about Performance Management

1.1   What is Performance Management

1.2   Principles of Performance Management

1.3   Objective of Performance Management

1.4   What is Job Performance?

1.5   Factors That Influence Performance


Modue-2: Basic about KPI

2.1   What is Key Performance Indicator

2.2   Principles for KPI designing/ Writing

2.3   KPI Insights

2.4   KPI Project Life Cycle: ADIIMAR


Modue-3: Methods for KPI Designing

3.1   Introduction to KPI Designing

3.2   Balanced Scorecard

3.3   Key Result Area

3.4   Impact Formula

3.5   Result Chain

3.6   ACER

OT-Method for KPI Designing-M-1

OT-Method for KPI Designing-M-2

OT-Method for KPI Designing-M-3

Enrollment Closes 30/Apr/2025 GMT
Length 1 week
Effort 10 hours
Live Chat Enabled
Regular Fee $ 50.00
Special Fee $ 25.00

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