Certified Cyber Security Professional (CCSP)-Self Paced

Certified Cyber Security Professional (CCSP)-Self Paced

Certified Cyber Security Professional (CCSP) equips individuals with crucial knowledge and skills for digital asset protection and security, enhancing their skills as aspiring cybersecurity professionals or current professionals.

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Welcome to the Certified Cyber Security Professional (CCSP) course! In today's digital age, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for organizations of all sizes. This course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to protect and secure digital assets. Whether you are an aspiring cybersecurity professional or looking to enhance your current skills, this course will provide a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of cybersecurity.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Cybersecurity Fundamentals: Grasp the core principles and concepts of cybersecurity.
  • Identify Threats and Vulnerabilities: Recognize various types of cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Implement Security Measures: Apply appropriate security measures to protect information systems.
  • Develop Security Policies: Create and implement effective cybersecurity policies and procedures.
  • Perform Risk Assessments: Conduct thorough risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential security risks.
  • Manage Security Incidents: Respond to and manage cybersecurity incidents effectively.
  • Ensure Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and standards.
  • Secure Networks: Implement robust network security measures.
  • Protect Data: Apply data protection techniques to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest trends and developments in cybersecurity.


M-1: Introduction to Cybersecurity 
M-2: Cybersecurity Fundamentals 
M-3: Types of Cybersecurity Threats 
M-4: Vulnerability Management 
M-5: Security Measures and Controls 
M-6: Developing Cybersecurity Policies 
M-7: Risk Assessment and Management 
M-8: Incident Response Planning 
M-9: Legal and Regulatory Compliance 
M-10: Cyber Technology 
M-11: Data Protection Techniques 
M-12: Cyber Ethics 
M-13: Cyber Crimes and Techniques 
M-14: Prevention and Protection 
M-15: Cyber Forensics and Investigation 

M-1: Introduction to Cybersecurity

M-2: Cybersecurity Fundamentals

M-3: Types of Cybersecurity Threats

M-4: Vulnerability Management

M-5: Security Measures and Controls

M-6: Developing Cybersecurity Policies

M-7: Risk Assessment and Management

M-8: Incident Response Planning

M-9: Legal and Regulatory Compliance

M-10: Cyber Technology

M-11: Data Protection Techniques

M-12: Cyber Ethics

M-13: Cyber Crimes and Techniques

M-14: Prevention and Protection

M-15: Cyber Forensics and Investigation

Duration: 4 Months
Modules: 15
Short Video Materials: Yes
Mode of Learning: Self-Paced

Post Completion:

  • Electronic Certificate
  • Digital Badge via Credly.com
  • Printed Certificate available

Exam Method:
Number of Exams: 01

  • Method: MCQ Based exam
  • Number of Questions: 50 MCQ Questions
  • Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Pass Mark: 70%


  • Total Assignments: 05
  • 01 Pre-Course Assignment (Learning Purpose)
  • 03 Class Based Assignment
    • Total Marks: 100
    • Pass Mark: 70%
  • 01 Capstone Projects
    • Total Marks: 100
    • Pass Mark: 70%
Effort 4 Months
Live Chat Enabled
Regular Fee $ 420.00
Special Fee $ 295.00

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