Certified Emotional Intelligence Specialist [CEIS]- Self Paced

Certified Emotional Intelligence Specialist [CEIS]- Self Paced

The Certified Emotional Intelligence Specialist (CEIS) will develop skills and knowledge to enhances emotional intelligence, enhancing interpersonal skills, relationships, and overall well-being in various fields like healthcare, education, business, and human resources.

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Emotional intelligence can make a huge difference in both our personal lives and our work satisfaction and performance. Emotional intelligence is the distinguishing factor that determines if we make lemonade when life hands us lemons or spend our life stuck in bitterness.

It is the distinguishing factor that enables us to have wholesome, warm relationships rather than cold and distant contacts. EQ is the distinguishing factor between finding and living our life’s passions or just putting in time. EQ is the distinguishing factor that draws others to us or repels them. EQ is the distinguishing factor that enables us to work in concert and collaboration with others or to withdraw in dispute.

Emotional intelligence increases our capacity to discover and express our greatness. Why? Because emotional intelligence demands a complete disclosure of our strengths. As a result, we can begin to fully understand our ideal selves and compare this ideal to how we behave each day. Our ideal self is the self that emerges when we are unencumbered by the burden of irrational thoughts and emotional upsets that can sometimes distract us from our intentions. It’s that glimpse of self that does and says the right thing at the right time in the right manner. It’s that self that is centered and assured. It’s that self that doesn’t feel a need for other people’s approval or a need to compete at the expense of others. It doesn’t fear making mistakes. It doesn’t lash out in anger or spend time fretting or fearing things that it cannot control. It’s that self that takes confident, assured steps in both our personal and work lives that produce satisfaction and success. It’s that self that inspires others. It’s that self that we’re proud of. I’m not talking about ego pride. I’m talking about satisfaction deep down when we know we’ve lived our best today.


By the end of the half-day workshop, participants will be able to

  • Learn about the anatomy of an emotion and how emotions and thoughts work together to influence behaviors
  • Understand the link between emotional intelligence and success in life
  • Discern the difference between automatic limbic decisions and intentional, conscious decisions
  • Discover when their automatic processes serve them well, and when these processes need to be better managed
  • Practice agile thinking, increasing self-awareness and intentional thinking
  • Leverage due diligence and intuition to make effective decisions
  • Develop cognitive and behavioral strategies to manage emotions intelligently.


M-1: Concept of Emotion-Emotional Intelligence
M-2: EQ Competency Framework
M-3: Application-Outcome of EQ at Personal Level
M-4: Application-Outcome of EQ at Work level
M-5: Challenges to apply EQ at workplace-its remedy

M-1: Concept of Emotion-Emotional Intelligence

M-2: EQ Competency Framework

M-3: Application-Outcome of EQ at Personal Level

M-4: Application-Outcome of EQ at Work level

M-5: Challenges to apply EQ at workplace-its remedy



Duration: 4 Months
Modules: 05
Short Video Materials: Yes
Mode of Learning: Self-Paced

Post Completion:

  • Electronic Certificate
  • Digital Badge via Credly.com
  • Printed Certificate available

Exam Method:
Number of Exams: 01

  • Method: MCQ Based exam
  • Number of Questions: 50 MCQ Questions
  • Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Pass Mark: 70%


  • Total Assignments: 05
  • 01 Pre-Course Assignment (Learning Purpose)
  • 03 Class Based Assignment
    • Total Marks: 100
    • Pass Mark: 70%
  • 01 Capstone Projects
    • Total Marks: 100
    • Pass Mark: 70%
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Regular Fee $ 420.00
Special Fee $ 295.00

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